Ciclo Wealth was founded on the principles that financial advice should be streamlined, efficient and conscientious. Your life is already full of complexities, working with your financial advisor should not be one of them.

Ciclo (meaning “Cycle” in Spanish, Portuguese and Italian) started after a lengthy career that began with a year taking 100 calls a day from discount brokerage clients in the mid nineties and evolved into deep experiences in operations, and information technology for one of America’s largest financial institutions. During this period we recognized the joy and satisfaction in working to solve problems and help people that fuels Ciclo’s fiduciary obligations to this day.

After obtaining a Masters in Business Administration in Finance from the University of Oregon around the turn of the century our initial ambitions of owning a tangible materials based business pivoted into taking advantage of the unique market circumstances created by the dot com bubble and Y2K. In 2002 we began serving wealthy individuals, families and business owners many of whom are still clients.

We have learned there is a tremendous amount of time and resources dedicated to creating unnecessary complexities for clients. These costs can be high and unaccounted for, but they are real nonetheless. Financial advisors are merely humans who are subject to the same fears, temptations and ambitions as many of our clients. For these reasons people can be confused by over-sized office spaces, convoluted investment strategies and piles of paperwork. These complexities come at the expense of consumers and really only serve to fulfill the egos of those “at the top” in the industry.

Why Ciclo Wealth?

Ciclos (meaning Cycles”). We recognize that life and finances are full of various cycles. Just like the investments we make, the costs and benefits of using our services should be clear and transparent. We have streamlined operations to benefit clients including online tools and easy scheduling mechanisms. We prefer to meet in-person, but make the best use of other resources to help you live your life efficiently and joyfully. That is how we roll.

Phil Richman, CFP®, MBA